Awards & Contests
Here are the multitude of award programs and contests available to the membership of the OSFGC.
National and Pacific Region Award Programs
Check out the sources below for a list of National and Pacific Region award opportunities, guidelines and deadlines.
OSFGC, Inc. Award Program
For a complete list of State Award opportunities, check the list in the current OSFGC Directory and view the Committees page on this website.
Co-Chairmen: Charmane Mitchell [email protected] & Treasurer, Karen Brown [email protected]
The Book of Remembrance is a permanent way to honor special members or friends who may have passed away. For a minimum donation of $10, a person can be listed in the book. Donations become part of the Claire Hanley Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships to students in horticulture fields at Oregon State University each year.
Please use the form available here or from this chairman. List the name to be entered in the book, along with the name of the person making the contribution, club and district. You may also add a brief comment about the person honored, such as their activity in garden club. Send the form and money to the Treasurer. Make checks payable to OSFGC, Inc. Send a copy of the form to the BOR chairman.
Memorial cards will be sent to whomever you designate, and the name of the person honored will be shared at Convention.
Chairman: Peggy Olin, [email protected]
Deadline: May 1
Ready to celebrate? Ready to celebrate our heritage that is!
Yes, we can do so by naming a favorite garden club site you have been working on for years or even just one year.Did you clean out an old garden site adjacent to a historical building? Did you replant with “golden oldy” plants depicting a home’s era? Did you do some cleaning up of a historical house itself? Repainting? Replacing? I would like to know what you and your fellow garden clubbers did. To apply, send a small book of evidence to this chairman showing the project, preferably before, during and after restoration.
Claire Belsher began this traveling award in 1977 to celebrate the U.S. Bicentennial. We still have the spirit of patriotism and I will help you to celebrate with her award at the upcoming OSFGC Convention.
Chairman: Norma Curtis, [email protected]
Deadline: April 15
As chairman of the Ellen Ambuhl Conservation Award I am seeking a recipient to honor at our upcoming state convention. In the past three years I have presented an award to North Coast Land Conservancy, Columbia Gorge Fruit Growers and, most recently, to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Gordon House in Silverton, Oregon.
I am asking all district directors to please search your area and talk to your clubs to see if there is a person or group who have 1) helped conserve the treasures that we are so blessed with in Oregon and 2) fit our Conservation Pledge. I am sure there are many OSFGC garden club members who are unaware of this award and who may know of potential award recipients.
To apply for the award send me a simple book of evidence by April 15. The recipient may be an individual member or non-member, club, district or civic group. There is a $100 prize for the winner. If you need help preparing a book of evidence I will share my past books of evidence as a helpful guide.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Chairman: Kirsten Jensen [email protected]
Deadline: February 15
A plaque and certificate will be awarded to an established Garden of Distinction when merited (not necessarily annually). A nominated garden must be accessible to the public on a regular basis. The garden will be selected by a committee of three garden club members appointed by the current OSFGC President. One member of the committee must be a Landscape Design Consultant.
Chairman: Nita Wood, [email protected]
Deadline: May 1
This award, presented each year at the OSFGC Convention, highlights our OSFGC gardeners. Nominations may be made by individuals and/or clubs. First place winner will receive a Gardener of the Year flag and a certificate. Second, 3rd, 4th and Honorable Mention winners will be awarded certificates. Submit a detailed portfolio as follows:
1. Include a typewritten script with illustrations and photos focusing on the candidate’s development of a garden or any kind or the maintenance of a garden throughout the year. It may be a home garden, community garden, junior garden or public landscape. Limit: 6 pages, 8 ½ x 11”.
2. Materials should be contained in a folder with a cover, labeled with the candidate’s name, garden club, city, address and month/year of presentation. Indicate also who is submitting the application.
3. Submit by mail or electronically to this chairman by the indicated deadline.
Chairman: TBA
Deadline: April 15
This award has been given since 1943 for outstanding achievement in horticulture and its allied fields. The recipient is an honored guest at the OSFGC, Inc. annual state convention and is presented a citation of merit and a check for $100.
Individuals, garden clubs and districts may make nominations for the award. A Book of Evidence must be submitted which includes a letter summarizing the reasons for the nomination and signed by the person submitting the material. Pictures, newspaper articles written by and/or about the nominee and letters of appreciation for work accomplished by the nominee may be submitted.
Chairman: Carolyn Olley [email protected]
Deadline: April 15 in odd years
This award, presented each odd year at the OSFGC Convention, highlights an outstanding member of a district garden club. Please involve your district in nominating eligible individuals. Be sure to consider those dependable, “can-do-whatever is needed” members as possible nominees.
- The selection criteria includes: The district nominee shall have been a garden club member for a minimum of 20 years.
- The name of the nominee and the name of the district are to be sent to the State President by April 15 by either postal mail or email. Include a few sentences that list the reasons for your choice. At the Convention these brief sentences will be what you will share with the audience.
- The name of the nominee and the name of the district are to be sent to OSFGC Treasurer Karen Brown along with a donation of $20 or more.
A Member of Honor certificate and pin will be given to the honoree. A minimum of $20 will be donated to the Claire Hanley Scholarship Fund. Nominees should be invited and encouraged to attend the State Convention to receive their recognition.
Chairman: Margret Taylor [email protected]
A Life Membership is the highest honor a member of a Federated Garden Club can receive. They may be given by a club, district, friend or relative. Recipients receive a certificate.
Submit to chairman the application listing name, address, club and district with a check in the amount of $55.00 (which includes the pin) payable to OSFGC, Inc. Include name of donor. All funds support the Claire Hanley Scholarship Fund. Note: indicate date needed. If a surprise, include name and address where the certificate is to be sent
There are two other Life Memberships available:
Pacific Region Garden Clubs Life Membership Form
National Garden Clubs, Inc. Membership Information
Co-chairmen: Tanja Swanson
Deadline: On or before April 30, 2024
Categories are as follows. Color and Black and White
- Scenery
- 2. Gardens
- Floral Blooms
- Birds
- Animals
- Insects/Butterflies
- President’s Choice: Learn, Share, Grow…a plant
- Only one photo entry may be submitted for each category in color and in Black and White for a total of 14 entries per member.
Photos must have been taken by a current OSFGC Garden Club Member in good standing. An entry form must be submitted (e-mailed) for each photo entry. Photos and Entry Forms should be e-mailed together.
Photos may have been taken at any time. Find the Form to fill out and email with your photos, HERE
Email Photographs to Tanja on or before April 30, 2024
Deadline: May 1.
Send nomination form to Shirley Schmidt [email protected]
This award is in honor of Suzy Twist Powell, who was the quintessential garden club member. It is presented annually at the OSFGC Convention.
Suzy promoted excellence in floral design through her skillful and artistic craftsmanship, active support of flower show schools and symposiums, organization of flower shows, and participation in the multiple activities of the garden club at all levels. She passed away in 2015, but her passion for floral design, gardening, and encouraging others through training and education will continue to be an inspiration for present and future gardeners and designers.
Nominations may be made by any club or club member belonging to the National Garden Club. Nominations by clubs are to be signed by the District Director and nominations by club members are to be signed by the Club President. The nominations are to be submitted to the OSFGC President. The names of the nominees will be hidden from the committee members.
The award will be administered by the Siskiyou Judges Council. The Award Committee will consist of the following:
- Flower Show Schedule Awards Chairman
- President of OSFGC Judges Councils
- One other Accredited Flower Show Judge appointed by the State President
The award will be given to an individual who is an active member of a local garden club, affiliated with the National Garden Clubs and has most fully met the following criteria:
- Is recognized by his/her peers as a skilled and artistic floral designer
- Has either chaired or served as a member of a National Garden Club flower show or symposium
- Has conducted a class or demonstrated floral design for a garden club belonging to the National Garden Club.
YEARBOOK & YEARBOOK COVER link to application on FORMS page
Chairman: Sharon Wilson [email protected]
Deadline: to Chairman by November 1.
Send three copies of your club, district or council yearbook to the Chairman. Guidelines for preparation are available on the NGC website, this Chairman, and the State Awards Chairman. The first-place yearbooks will go to Pacific Region for judging.
The Yearbook Cover is a State (only) Award. Please send three (3) copies of your yearbook along with the Application to this chairman for judging. Note: Eligible for Pacific Region Award #3 and NGC Award YB-1.
High School Essay – Mail essays to Chairman, Dottie Buss – 11637 SW Royal Villa DR. Tigard, OR 97224-3409. Email questions to Dottie.
This year’s theme is POLLINATORS. What are they and how do they impact our food source. Entry deadline is March 30, 2022. The winner receives a $100.00 cash prize. All students grade 9 – 12 are eligible. The essay must be original, 600 -700 words. The winning essay will become the property of OSFGC, Inc and be publicly printed.
SMOKEY BEAR POSTER – Mail completed posters to Chairman, Colleen Foster – 1561 SE Linn St., Portland, OR 97202-7230. Email questions to Colleen.
Entry deadline is January 2, 2022. More instructions here.
NGC & OSFGC YOUTH POETRY – Mail completed poems to Chairman, Saundra Rassi – 21300 SE Bohna Park Rd., Damascus, OR 97089-8323. Email questions to Sandra. The 2021-22 theme is “Sing with the Songbirds”- Exploring the Glory of Nature. Entry deadline is December 1, 2021. Kindergarten – 9th grade are eligible. Poems need not rhyme and may be written in any of various forms. First place forwards to NGC. State winners receive cash prizes.
NGC SCULPTURE – Youth Sculpture
Pacific Region Youth Sculpture
Now is the time to start planning for the 2023-2024 Contest. The contest begins at the club level first, so schools in your districts, including Virtual and Home schools will need the contest information. The contest rules are on the NGC webpage under Youth Contests. Download the information and the Entry Form from the webpage.
State Deadline should be before December 31 with the winners from the District sent to the State Chairman. The winning State entries at each grade level then advance to the Pacific Region Chairman, before February 1, 2024. Lynn Chiotti. Her address is PO Box 933, Saint Helens, OR 97051-0933.
Please follow the rules in the Information on the Webpage. The actual sculptures are NOT sent, only the form with the Photos: 4 by 6” on the back of the entry form.
I look forward to seeing all the creative entries. Excitement from the students is contagious. Our youth are the future, so let’s get them involved.
Lynn Chiotti, Contest Chairman
Pacific Region, National Garden Clubs, Inc.
PO Box 933, Saint Helens, OR 97051-0933.
Book of Friendship